The Bookseller
The Bookseller
146 pages, LaNiz Publisher
Author: Marcia Nolasco
Her research has always been biographical or focused on the arts. In fact, that’s how she met Marc. But her life changed a lot after that…
Marc looked at the sky and the people nearby, petted his dog and smiled back. - I've been alone for a long time... And you? - It depends on your point of view... He asked her, staring at her intensely. She remained silent, that look moved her a lot. She felt a lot of attraction for him, and she was dying to kiss him, maybe that's all she needed...
About the author
Márcia Nolasco graduated in Social Communication and studied Literature - Writer's Training at PUC in Rio de Janeiro. She has always loved writing fictional stories, which she has done since her adolescence. Her texts have been published in digital and print media.
She was born in Rio de Janeiro, where she lived until 2017, when she moved with her husband and son to Portugal, where, in 2018, she succumbed to cancer and passed away.